  Salamun Alaykum  
Hazrat MahdiAS Ne Jawab Diya Ke Humney Kitabullah Ka Mazhab Pesh Kardiya Hai, Jis Kisi Ko Kitabullah Momin Kehti Hai Hum Bhi Momin Kehte Hai’n Aur Jis Kisi Ko Kitabullah Kafir Kehti Hai Hum Bhi Kafir Kehte Hai’n. Apni Taraf Se Koi Hukm Nahi’n Lagate Hai’n. Hum Kitabullah Ke Ta’bey Hai’n. Khuda Ki Kitaab Pesh Kardiye Hai’n Aur Makhluq Ko Tauheed Wa Ibadat Ki Taraf Bulatey Hai’n Aur Hum Bargaah Rabbul Izzat Ki Taraf Se Isi Kaam Par Mamoor Hai’n.
(Ref: #23, pg 52, Naqliyat-e-Miyan Abdur RasheedRZ, Compiler: Bandagi Miyan Hazrat Abdur RasheedRZ)

Hazrat MahdiAS said, We have presented The Religion of the Book of Allah. Whomsoever the Book of Allah calls a mumin, we also call him a mumin. And whomsoever the Book of Allah calls a kafir, we also call him a kafir. We do not judge anybody on our own. We are the followers of the Book of Allah. We have presented the Book of Allah. And we invite the people towards the Unity of God and His worship. Allah has assigned this job to us.
(Ref: #23, pg 97-98, Naqliyat-e-Miyan Abdur RasheedRZ, Compiler: Bandagi Miyan Hazrat Abdur RasheedRZ)

Hadees-e-Nabavi k mutaliq Quam-e-Mahdavia ka Aqeeda:
ImamAS ne farmaya k Ahadees mein ikhtelaaf bahut hai unki tashee mushkil hai jo hadees k Khuda ki Kitab aur is banday ke haal say muwafiq ho wo sahi hai chunache Aan HazratSAS nay farmaya ke: "Mere baad qareeb mein tumharay liye hadeesein bahut hongi pas tum un ko Kitabullah par pesh karo agar muwafiq hon tou qubool karo warna radd kardo".
(Ref: Pg1-2, Aquida Sharifa, Author: Bandagi Miyan Hazrat Syed Khundmir Siddiq-e-VilayatRZ)

Quam-e-Mahdavia's Aqeeda regarding the Prophetic Hadith:
The ImamAS said that "A great degree of variance is found in the ahadith and their correction is difficult, therefore, any hadith which is in conformity with God's Scripture and the condition (Haal) of this servant is correct." Therefore, the Prophet SAS said "There will be a multiplicity of ahadith for you after me and so you shall present them upon God's Scripture (Kitabullah) and if they're in conformity accept them otherwise reject them".
(Ref: Pg 2, Aquida Sharifa, Author: Bandagi Miyan Hazrat Syed Khundmir Siddiq-e-VilayatRZ)

Q: What is the conformity principle and who can apply it?
A: Please read: Conformity principle, Mutabeqat ka Usool (Roman), Mutabeqat ka Usool (Urdu)

Humble request to our readership:
Please read and verify yourselves all the home page material given below and provide your valuable feedback, comments or observations but more importantly please do notify me of any mistakes, misinterpretation, internal contradictions and/or any errors that might have resulted (which has no bearing whatsoever on anyone else muchless the Mahdavia community) from my humble and sincere effort in my understanding of the word of God (Kalaamullah). I'll gladly and duly rectify it after due diligence, Inshallah.
Thank you and Jazak Allah khair for spending time becoming familiar with The Message and Religion of Kitabullah!

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Q: How Kitabullah called out different kinds of people?
A: Allah swt directly addressed the following category of people in His final revealation:
1. O Mankind (Arabic: ‏يَٓأَيُّهَا ٱلنَّاسُ)
2. O Adam (Arabic: يَٓـَٔادَمُ )
3. O Bani Israel (Arabic: ‏يَبَنِىٓ إِسْرَٓءِيلَ)
4. O Believers (Arabic: ‏يَٓأَيُّهَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُوا۟)
5. O People of the Book (Arabic: يَٓأَهْلَ ٱلْكِتَبِ)
6. O Disbelevers (Arabic: يَٓأَيُّهَا ٱلْكَفِرُونَ)
7. O Messenger (Arabic: يَٓأَيُّهَا ٱلرَّسُولُ)
8. O Devil (Arabic: یَـٰۤإِبۡلِیسُ)
Please see Ayahs: , , ,

Q: Who's the very first addressee whom God called out directly in His last revelation?
A: The entire mankind.
Please see Ayahs: 2:21

Q: What's the first command given to mankind (via AdamAS and his spouse)?
A: That guidance comes from Him (alone) and whoever follows it will have no fear or grieve.
Please see Ayahs: 2:38

Q: Kitabullah issued first warning and punishment threat for what?
A: For denying and not following the Divine revealation.
Please see Ayahs: 2:38

Q: What does Kitabullah say about Deen?
A: Kitabullah is explicit and clear about Deen:
1. The Deen ordained by Allah swt is Islam.
2. He Himself has made the Deen free of any difficulty.
3. And there's no compulsion in Deen.
4. The Deen that was decreed by Allah swt on all previous Prophets and Messengers is the same Deen the Noble Prophet and Messenger and friend of God Hazrat IbrahimAS exemplarily practiced and therefore
5. The last Prophet and all his followers are commanded to emulate IbrahimAS in this very Deen.
6. Any other Deen besides Islam is unacceptable to God.
Please see Ayahs: 3:19, 2:256, 3:85, 4:125, 6:161, 42:13

Q: What does Kitabullah say about its own teachings?
A: People, despite full knowledge, who conceal and obscure (Arabic: katama) the clearly expounded Divine revelation with their own baseless, biased and sectarian views, speeches and writings are accursed (Lanati).
Please see Ayahs: 2:159, 2:174

Q: What kind of Ayaat did Kitabtullah expect us to follow?
A: Muhkamaat Ayaat (which forms the Kitab's foundation) are to be followed.
Please see Ayah: 3:7

Q: Who and what is the final judge for the believers, as per Kitabullah?
A: Kitabullah.
Please see Ayah: 3:23

Q: Whose way of life (Arabic: Sunnah) does Kitabullah guides us towards?
A: It's the Murad of Allah swt Himself to explain His commands clearly so as to guide us to the Sunnat of previous people.
Please see Ayah: 4:26

Q: What is the one and only complaint of the Messenger of God did Kitabullah record for our posterity?
A: On the day of Judgement the messenger is complaining to God that his qaum deserted (migrating far far away from) the Quran.
Please see Ayah: 25:30

Q: What does Kitabullah say about Mumin's greeting?
A: Quranic greetings:
1. The words Quran prescribed Mumineen for greeting each other are, "Salaamun Alaykum".
2. The usage of greeting words such as Salaamun Alayka, Salaamun Alayya, Salaamun Alayhi, Salaamun, Salaamann, etc., in different places in the Quran highlights its hypersensitivity to perfect Arabic grammar.
3. Returning greetings with similar or better words also is an obligation and it's a blessing from Allah swt to greet upon entering our own homes.
4. Also, not to accuse disbelief when a Mumin greets you before ascertaining it. Please see Ayahs: 6:54, 11:69, 7:46, 16:32, 13:24, 28:55, 10:10, 14:23, 33:44, 36:58, 19:47, 19:15, 4:86, 39:73, 4:94

Q: Doesn't Kitabullah also highlight greetings with the definite particle Al (ال)?
A: It does in two places but both are not exchange of greetings between two persons but a statement of fact. Isa AS is not greeting himself nor God is sending greetings through Musa AS & Haroon AS but making a statement of fact that whoever follows guidance will have the ultimate peace
Please see Ayahs: 19:33, 20:47

Q: What does Kitabullah say about dry and wet ablutions (Wudu and tayammum)?
A: Wash hands, face, wipe head and wash arms till elbow and feet till ankle. In the absence (scaricity) of water, soil your palms with dust and wipe only the face and arms.
Please see Ayahs: 5:6, 4:43

Q: When do we need to perform ablution (Wudu) according to Kitabullah?
A: The things that triggers ablution afresh are: sleep, state of impurity, toilet/restroom use and spousal intimacy.
Please see Ayahs: 5:6, 4:43

Q: What does Kitabullah say about prayer's (salah/namaz) tone?
A: Prayers are to be recited in moderate tone, neither loudly nor quietly.
Please see Ayah: 17:110

Q: What does Kitabullah say about shortening of prayers (Qasr prayer)?
A: It's permissible to shorten the prayers albeit traveling if you fear performing normal routine prayers expose your faith in the enemy lands.
Please see Ayah: 4:101

Q: What does Kitabullah say about the length of fasting period?
A: Abstain from food, drink and spousal intimacy from dawn (end of astro/begining of nautical twilight) to night (b/w astro & nautical twilight), both perceptible to naked human eye around pre sunrise and post sunset civil twilight times.
Please see Ayah: 2:187
Please check twilight times of your city here time and date

Q: What are the only deitary things does Kitabullah declare as Haram (forbidden)?
A: Kitabullah provides the following Haram list:
1. Dead animal
2. Blood
3. Pork meat
4. Any Ghairullah offerings (not just meat)
5. Animal strangled or beaten or fallen or gored to death
6. Wild animal eaten (left-over)
7. Sacrificial animals slaughtered on stone altars
8. Dividing food by azlaam
Please see Ayahs: 2:173, 5:3,16:115, 6:145

Q: What are the signs and attributes of Sadiqeen and Muttaqeen as per Kitabullah?
A: It clearly paints the perfect picture of a Sadiq: They believe in 5 things. They spend generously on 6 category of deserving people. They establish prayers and purity in their daily lives, keep promises and remain patient in distress and affliction and in time of conflicts.
Please see Ayah: 2:177

Q: What is the insurance of accepted Du'a depicted by Kitabullah?
A: Very simple and straight forward: Believe in God and make Du'a directly to Him and respond to His call (found in His revelation) for ours to be answered instantly.
Please see Ayah: 2:186

Q: Which good deed Kitabullah single out that saves us from destruction (by being 2.5% stingy) by our own hands?
A: Very simple and straight forward: Spending in the path of God.
Please see Ayah: 2:195

Q: To whom shall we give our charities according to Kitabullah?
A: Kitabullah provides the beneficieries list:
1. Parents
2. Family and near relatives
3. Orphans
4. Poor & needy (can be widow, and those who are left helpless, those whose hard earned income is insufficient to meet their basic needs, those whose businesses have stalled, and those who have lost their jobs)
5. The needy wayfarer, the homeless, and the one who has come to your town in a destitute condition, the disabled
6. Those who ask for help, and
7. Freeing the slaves and innocent prisoners (and necks burdened with any kind of bondage, oppression, crushing debts and extreme hardship of labor)
8. The needy volunteers doing charity work
9. In God's cause (spreading word of God and His just system)
Please see Ayahs: 2:177, 2:215, 9:60

Q: How many different kind of divorce (Talaq) scenarios did Kitabullah mention?
A: Kitabullah listed the following divorce cases:
1. Before consumating marriage or before the fixation of the Mehr
2. Before consumating marriage with Mehr money fixed
3. After consumating marriage
Please see Ayah: 2:236

Q: What's the ruling of Kitabullah in regards to intoxicants and alcoholic drinks?
A: There's a great sin in indulging (in its business) and/or its consumption. It's a filth and Satan's handiwork to cause strife among humans and so it commands us to shun it completely.
Please see Ayahs: 2:219, 5:90-91

Q: Did Kitabullah quantify or fixed the charity amount (in other words how much Zakat)?
A: No, rather in His infinite wisdom and perfect justice God prescribed one's surplus (income minus expenses) to be donated as charity. This obviously varies from person to person, time to time, place to place, circumstance to circumstance. Compare this with man-made fixed and niggardly 2.5% not even on income rather on annual savings.
Please see Ayahs: 2:219

Q: What's the ruling of Kitabullah in regards to bonuses and windfall profits?
A: Yes, again in His infinite wisdom and perfect justice God prescribed khums (fifth or 20%) charity on one's bonuses and windfall profits.
Please see Ayahs: 8:41

Q: What is the ruling by Kitabullah for retribution (Qisas) in murder case?
A: Security of life is the cornerstone of a civilized society. O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! QISAAS (The Law of Just Recompense) has been prescribed for you in dealing with murder. If a free person has committed murder, that free person will face the Law. If a slave has committed murder, that slave will face the Law. And if a woman has committed murder, that woman will face the Law. (The status of the victim or that of the offender, whether they are free men and women or those in bondage, will have no bearing before the Justice System). If the victim's kin pardons the guilty, he must be appreciative and pay an equitable compensation to the kin in handsome gratitude. This pardon is a concession from your Lord and Mercy. Whoever, after this, trespasses this Law of Retaliation will have a painful doom (in the Court of Allah).
Please see Ayahs: 2:178, 17:33

Q: What or who is TAGHOOT according to Kitabullah?
A: The key characteristic feature of TAGHOOT is plainly defined in its first of the 8 occurrences of this word in the Quran as an entity which drives us away from the NOOR and into the DARKNESS, while Allah swt guides us from the depth of darkness into the Light (Quran is NOOR - light). So, every single ayat where TAGHOOT appeared (please always read the whole passage around any ayat in order to grasp the context) makes it abundantly clear that TAGHOOT is presented as a competing authority acting subtly or openly against the Divine Scripture/Revelation. This competing authority can be an idol, an ideology, an entire system or few powerful people themselves, who entice and deceive masses into following this TAGHOOT.
Please see Ayahs: 2:286, 2:257, 4:51, 4:60, 4:76, 5:60, 16:36, 39:17

Q: Who is Mumineen's MOULA and MOULANA as per Kitabullah?
A: Allah swt is Mumineen's Mawla and Mowlana (our friend and protector).
Please see Ayahs: 2:286, 3:150, 8:40, 9:51, 16:76, 22:78, 44:41, 47:11, 66:4

Q: Does Kitabullah endorse or encourage "Esaal-e-Sawaab"?
A: No, it emphatically and in clear term placed one's deed (good or bad) on the doer in his/her lifetime and every individual is accountable for his/her own actions. One's account book is closed permanently upon one's death.
1. The word "Esaal", means to transfer or to reach, didn't appear in the entire Quran.
2. Just as "no soul bears the sin of another soul" so also no sawaab (reward) is transferred. Rather, to get sawaab in this world or the hereafter (Dunya or Akhira), it has to be earned with good deeds (Amal-e-Saleh) during this worldly lifetime only.
Please see Ayahs: 2:286, 4:32, 7:42, 39:7

Q: What is the ruling by Kitabullah if a believer kills another believer?
A: It's unlawful to kill a believer (or anyone for that matter). Intentional murder is punishable with eternal hell. Expiation for murder by mistake is:
1. Freeing a slave and
2. Blood money or
3. Fast for two consecutive months
Please see Ayahs: 4:92-93, 17:33

Q: How many months did Kitabullah mention for Hajj?
A: (They're) four (4) sacred, consecutive and well-known months of Hajj.
Please see Ayahs: 2:197, 9:36, 9:2, 9:5

Q: Who are rich according to Kitabullah?
A: People endowed with wisdom are singled out as recipient of abdundance good.
Please see Ayah: 2:269

Q: What and how many things did Kitabullah say is temptingly beautified as Mata ad-Dunya?
A: Seven things beautified that a man love and desire
1. Women
2. Children
3. Heap of Gold and
4. Silver
5. Branded ride
6. Cattle
7. Fertile lands
Please see Ayah: 3:14

Q: What is considered and called "Divine, (from God)" as per to Kitabullah?
A: According to 3:78 even the revealed Book of Allah (Kitabullah) doesn't remain purely divine if tongues are twisted to give distorted meaning, so we can only imagine the status of secondary material that is not part of Kitabullah.
Please see Ayah: 3:78

Q: Did Kitabullah sanction only Taurat for Bani Israel (Jews)?
A: Following their great Prophet Yaqoob's AS sunna/tradition (Hadith), isn't authorized or sanctioned by God in their religion, although Quran is portraying the event as his personal choice. A similar parallel is drawn at the start of surah Tahrim as reminder for the new believers.
Please see Ayahs: 3:93, 66:1

Q: Which teachings of "People of Ahsan" did Kitabullah highlight that is beloved to Allah swt?
1. Charity in ease and hardship
2. Anger control
3. Pardon people
Please see Ayah: 3:134

Q: What key element Kitabullah record to run community affairs?
A: Divinely guided Prophet is told to seek advise and counsel from members of community.
Please see Ayah: 3:159

Q: What's the insurance to cover (and forgive) our minor sins as per Kitabullah?
A: If we keep away from major sins (which are explicitly mentioned in Kitabtullah) our minor sins are covered (i.e., they're unaccountable/forgiven).
Please see Ayah: 4:31

Q: With whom does Kitabullah expect believers to extend kind treatment?
A: Routinely be kind and good with one's:
1. Parents
2. Relatives
3. Orphans
4. Poor and needy
5. Near (related) and far (stranger) neighbor
6. Traveller
7. People under you (employee/maid/servant)
Please see Ayahs: 4:36

Q: Whom does Kitabullah promised painful punishment (in the hereafter) and labeled them disbelievers?
A: Those who:
1. Stingy (niggardly)
2. Urge others to be stingy
3. (Hoard and) Hide wealth
Please see Ayahs: 4:37

Q: Whom does Kitabullah labeled as Qareen (close friend) of Shaitaan?
A: Those who:
1. Spend their wealth for fame and publicity
2. Believe not in Allah and
3. Believe not in the Last Day
Please see Ayahs: 4:38

Q: What pre-requisite did Kitabullah lay for the obligatory ritual prayer?
A: Understanding our utterances (recitation) during the daily ritual prayer is absolutely necessary for its validity so much so that we're prohibited from even approaching it with a befogged mind.
Please see Ayah: 4:43

Q: What is sufficient as blatant/obvious/manifest sin?
A: Inventing (ascribing) lies on/about Allah swt.
Please see Ayahs: 4:50

Q: What's one of the sign of misguidance as per Kitabullah?
A: Refering legislation to Taghoot as oppose to Divine revealation.
Please see Ayahs: 4:60

Q: What's the sign of belief (Imaan) according to Kitabullah?
A: Judge with Divine revealation and reject Taghut.
Please see Ayah: 4:60

Q: What is the ruling by Kitabullah if a believer kills another believer?
A: It's unlawful to kill a believer (or anyone for that matter). Intentional murder is punishable with eternal hell. Expiation for murder by mistake is:
1. Freeing a slave and
2. Blood money or
3. fast for two consecutive months
Please see Ayahs: 4:92-93, 17:33

Q: As per Kitabullah, when to migrate (hijrat) and is not migrating punishable crime?
A: When one is oppressed (prevented from religious freedom) is bound to migrate to a place where he enjoys freedom of religion. Not migrating and compromising religious duties and obligation is eternally punishable crime.
Please see Ayahs: 4:97

Q: As per Kitabullah, who are exempted from obligatory migration (hijrat)?
A: Men, women and children who are really weak and without means to emigrate.
Please see Ayahs: 4:98

Q: What is a flagrant sin according to Kitabullah?
A: Blaming innocent person of one's crime/sin.
Please see Ayahs: 4:112

Q: What one sin that is unforgiving according to Kitabullah?
A: Shirk (ascribing partners/authorities with Him).
Please see Ayahs: 4:116

Q: What's the Paradise entrance qualification?
A: Whoever, man or woman can qualify for Paradise provided he/she 1. Must be a believer (Mumin not just Muslim).
2. Does righteous deeds (Amal-e-Saleh)
Please see Ayahs: 4:124

Q: Whose prerogative it is to punish people for Imaan as per Kitabullah?
A: Allah swt alone.
Please see Ayah: 4:147

Q: What's the relationship did Kitabullah establish between God and His messengers?
A: They're one and there's no difference between them in matters of belief as they're His agents carrying His messages. That's why they cannot be differentiated or separated from God.
Please see Ayah: 4:150

Q: What's the stand of Kitabullah in oppostion of beleif of 3+ billion people on Jesus crucifixion?
A: That Prophet Jesus (AS) was neither killed nor crucified.
Please see Ayah: 4:157

Q: Why Kitabullah declared some Tayyibaat as Haram on Jews while it is Halal for everyone else?
A: Quran categorically states that Tayyibaat are made Halal and the reason some of it were made Haram on Jews were for following reasons:
1) Taking usury/interest
2) Wrongfully consuming people's wealth
Please see Ayah: 4:160-161

Q: With which attributes and words did Kitabullah introduce itself to its believers?
1. Burhan (irrefutable evidence)
2. Nooram Mubeena (clear and manifest Light)
Please see Ayah: 4:174

Q: Who has the sole authority to issue FATWA as per Kitabtullah?
A: Allah swt alone!
1. When people asked FATWA from the Prophet AS, Allah swt didn't respond with SAY as in numerous other ayaat and gave the answer. He clearly associated the word FATWA with HIMSELF and responded: Allah gives you a FATWA on both occasions.
2. Needless to say all the FATAWAs of Allah swt are in Kitabullah alone, which is also clearly evident by the words "مَا یُتۡلَىٰ عَلَیۡكُمۡ فِی ٱلۡكِتَـٰبِ"
Please see Ayah: 4:127, 4:176

Q: What's the command of Kitabullah for believers before the Halal provision?
A: To fulfill commitments (promises) and contracts (obligations).
Please see Ayah: 5:1

Q: Where do we find the list of all the Haram things to eat, according to Kitabullah?
A: Haram things will be recited (مَا یُتۡلَىٰ عَلَیۡكُمۡ) to you. Every Muslim know that only Quran is recitated. No body says or use the word TILAWAT for Hadith.
Please see Ayah: 5:1

Q: What's the command of Kitabullah for Hajjis?
A: To not hunt while in the state of Ahram.
Please see Ayah: 5:1

Q: What's the command of Kitabullah for believers regarding helping each other?
A: Help each other
1) in Birr and Taqwa - righteous/goodness and piety
2) not in Ism and Udwaan - sin and aggression
Please see Ayah: 5:2

Q: How did Kitabullah present Dogs?
A: As loyal, friendly, beneficial and clean domiscated animal. It's catch (by his mouth) is pure and Halal.
Please see Ayah: 5:4, 18:18

Q: What's Halal according to Kitabullah?
A: All Tayyibaat (pure and good) things.
Please see Ayah: 5:5

Q: According to Kitabullah, can we eat food of Ahl-e-Kitab?
A: Yes, all their tayyib (pure & good) food is permissible just like ours.
Please see Ayah: 5:5

Q: What conditions did Kitabullah put forth for marrying a woman from Ahl-e-Kitab?
A: Same as one for marrying a Muslim woman.
1) She should be a chaste woman
2) Give Mehr money and not take her as a mistresses (but a sincere marriage intent should be present)
Please see Ayah: 5:5

Q: As per Kitabullah who are Hell-bound?
A: All those who:
1) kafaru - disbelieve
2) Kazzabu - deny
Please see Ayah: 5:10

Q: Those who do not judge by what Allah has sent down (i.e., divine revelation) are called by Kitabullah as?
1) Al-Kafiroon (disbelievers/unbelievers/faithless/rejecters/infidels)
2) Az-Zalimoon (unjust/wrongdoers/evildoers)
3) Al-Fasiqoon (defiantly disobedient/rebellions/transgressors/wicked)
Please see Ayah: 5:44-47

Q: What does Kitabullah has to say about animal kingdom?
A: Each living species from the animal kingdom are communities just like human's.
Please see Ayah: 6:38

Q: What directive Kitabullah offer to its believers regarding Deen?
A: Leave people's deen which is nothing but pastime, amusement, games of ritual, and social partying but at every chance remind them with Quran only.
Please see Ayah: 6:70

Q: What are Kitabullah's 10 commandments equivalent?


Q: What is Sirat al-Mustaqeem according to Kitabullah?
A: Sirat al-Mustaqeem comprising of 10 commandments are:
1. No shirk
2. Good to parents
3. Kill not children for fear of poverty
4. No lewdness, openly or secretly
5. Don't kill anyone
6. Don't touch orphan's property
7. Be fair and just in all sales and transactions/dealings
8. Speak fair and just
9. Following these 8 commandments is in fact Sirat al-Mustaqeem
10. Do NOT follow any other ways (besides Kitabullah)
Please see Ayah: 6:151-153

Q: What principles did Kitabullah cite for things to be forbidden?
1. Immorality/Indecency
2. sin and aggression
3. Commiting Shirk
4. Saying baseless things on God's behalf
Please see Ayah: 7:32

Q: How to make Dua as taught by Kitabullah?
A: In complete privacy, quietly and humbly.
Please see Ayah: 7:55

Q: Whom Kitabullah is shown as being rescued and others severely punished?
A: The evil-doers and transgressors were severely punished while those who admonish and rebuked them for their wrong doings were rescued.
Please see Ayah: 7:163

Q: According to Kitabullah, who are the worst moving creature before God?
A: Indeed the worst kind of all living creatures in God’s sight are the deaf and dumb, who do not think intellectually (i.e., use their common sense).
Please see Ayah: 8:22

Q: According to Kitabullah, what is the simple condition to receive one of the greatest gift and grace of God?
A: Taqwa of Allah enables man to receive greatest gift he can ask for: covering his sins, forgiveness and Furqan-ability (i.e., sharing the quality of Quran itself).
Please see Ayah: 8:29

Q: How many months are sacred and are they scattered or adjoined as per Kitabullah?
A: They're 4 and they're consequtive in succession and this is so serious that Allah swt calls them the upright religion.
Please see Ayahs: 9:36, 9:2, 9:5, 2:197

Q: Does Kitabullah also consider "Sadaqah" as voluntary charity?
A: No, rather it has vividly and unambiguosly termed "Sadaqah" as "Fard" and list out all the eligible beneficieries.
Please see Ayah: 9:60

Q: As per Kitabullah, what is the sign of disbelievers in Divine meeting (Deedar)?
A: They like to hear substitute of Quran (or at least an altered Quran).
Please see Ayah: 10:15

Q: What's the tendency of the majority as shown by Kitabtullah?
A: Majority follow inherited assumptions.
Please see Ayah: 10:36

Q: What does Kitabtullah say about itself?
A: It is impossible for anyone to produce it and it's a decisive explanation.
Please see Ayah: 10:37

Q: What great news and assurance does Kitabtullah announce to its believers?
A: That it's a healing for the hearts (spiritual medicine), and guidance and mercy for the believers .
Please see Ayah: 10:57

Q: Which thing Kitabtullah inform us as rejoiceable better than amassing wealth?
A: Rejoicing on the occasion of revelation of Quran.
Please see Ayah: 10:58

Q: Which verse of Kitabtullah offers mankind "Freedom of Belief" amongst many?
A: Verse/Ayah 10:99 of the Quran clearly inform people that forced faith is no faith and offers choice and freedom of belief.
Please see Ayah: 10:99

Q: How does Kitabtullah describe its verses?
A: Firm (absolutely free of doubt, alteration, or annulment), indeclinable and distinct and demarcated.
Please see Ayah: 11:1

Q: How does Kitabtullah describe itself?
A: (This Al-Kitâb) is not (a collection of) forged and concocted Hadees. And that it (is not Mujmal, rather it) has "Tafseel" explanation of everything.
Please see Ayah: 12:111

Q: Does Kitabtullah endorse unity of belief of humanity?
A: No, contrarily it says the stubborn disbelievers would never embrace Islam even if they see moving mountains, slicing of the earth or dead speaking.
Please see Ayah: 13:31

Q: How does Kitabtullah alert and warn the ProphetSAS about itself?
A: It's Decisive Authority revealed in Arabic to the Arab people and Arab ProphetSAS and sternly warns from him from following anything else besides itself.
Please see Ayah: 13:37

Q: What's the purpose of Kitabtullah according to Kitabtullah?
A: To lead mankind from out of depths of darkness into light and on to the straight path to Almighty God.
Please see Ayah: 14:1

Q: How does Kitabtullah portray the relationship between the message, messenger and the masses?
A: Divinely inspired message (word of God) is always in clear, local and distinctly unequivocal language, shared by both the messsenger and the masses.
Please see Ayah: 14:4

Q: How does Kitabtullah portray the relationship between the message and the messengers?
A: One message and many messengers. Following the message is in reality following the messengers.
Please see Ayah: 14:44

Q: What is the essense of divine message the Kitabtullah captures?
A: There's only one God.
Please see Ayah: 14:52

Q: How many epic dialogues between the Divine and the devil did Kitabtullah capture and why?
A: Seven. For our guidance and to alert us about our sworn enemy.
Please see Ayah: 15:32-54

Q: How does Kitabtullah present God's attributes?
A: It balances God's image perfectly in believers mind.
Please see Ayah: 15:49-50

Q: What does Kitabtullah say about entities people invoke along/besides God?
A: They're dead and disintegrated and know not when they themselves are goinging to be resurrected let alone helping their invokers.
Please see Ayah: 16:20-21

Q: How does Kitabtullah portray death scene of believers?
A: There are many angels of death saying "Salaamun Alykum" greetings at the time of taking believers' souls.
Please see Ayah: 16:32

Q: According to Kitabullah, when and where would believers be rewarded for Hijrat?
A: After persecution if believers migrate for the sake of Allah swt then they would be rewarded both in this world and the hereafter.
Please see Ayah: 16:41

Q: Who are Ahl-e-Zikr as per Kitabullah and to whom it's addressing?
A: People of the previous scriptures are called Ahl-e-Zikr as it addresses its new believers who are also are going to called Ahl-e-Zikr as what's revelead to them is also named Zikr.
Please see Ayah: 16:43

Q: According to Kitabullah, what is Zabur?
A: Zabur is ancient scroll/scripture sent to the previous prophets, both singular (Zabur) and plural (Zubur) forms of this word is used by the Quran.
Please see Ayah: 16:44

Q: Which ayat of Kitabullah highlights the role and responsibility of the Prophet SAS and what?
A: 16:43 tasked the Prophet SAS for explanation of Quran (Bayan-e-Quran) for all.
Please see Ayah: 16:44

Q: What's one of the purpose of Kitabullah revelation?
A: To explain and dispel the differences in matters of religion.
Please see Ayah: 16:64

Q: Is Kitabullah a summary or detailed book?
A: It clearly assert its position as a book of detailed explanation of all things.
Please see Ayah: 16:89

Q: How many dietary things did Kitabullah identified as Haram?
A: Only 4 things are declared Haram to eat, they're:
1. Carrion
2. Blood
3. Pork (swine/pig) meat
4. Slaughtered invoking/pronouncing name other than Allah's swt.
Please see Ayah: 16:115

Q: What does Kitabullah say about Halal and Haram ?
A: It sternly warns people casually and fasely labeling things as Halal or Haram.
Please see Ayah: 16:116

Q: What does Kitabullah say about sins committed in ignorance?
A: Allah swt will forgive it upon repentance and reform themselves.
Please see Ayah: 16:119

Q: Whom did Kitabullah order the Prophet SAS to follow?
A: Millat-e-Ibrahim AS.
Please see Ayah: 16:123

Q: With what does Kitabullah synonimize Shirk to?
A: Taking guidance besides Kitabullah is tantamount to taking guardian besides God.
Please see Ayah: 17:2

Q: Whom and where does Kitabullah guides one to?
A: Guides its believers to the most upright.
Please see Ayah: 17:9

Q: What is the proclamation of God about Kitabullah?
A: That He explained in Kitabullah everything distinctly, with a decisive explanation.
Please see Ayah: 17:12

Q: What's the command of Kitabullah about spending?
A: That we give to close relatives (it's their right), the needy and wayfarer/refugee/asylee.
Please see Ayah: 17:26

Q: Who are called brothers of Satan by Kitabullah?
A: Spendthrifts/extravagants are brethren to Shayateen.
Please see Ayah: 17:27

Q: How does Kitabullah informs about saints/angels whom people invoke them as mediator (Wasilah) to God?
A: Those [saintly beings] whom they invoke are themselves striving to obtain their Sustainer's favour and they're not in position to help anyone.
Please see Ayah: 17:57

Q: How does Kitabtullah portray the Majority?
A: Majority of mankind are blind followers and in total control of their own avowed enemy, Shaitaan.
Please see Ayah: 17:62

Q: Is the popular belief of "Ashraful Makhluqaat" endorsed by Kitabtullah ?
A: No, rather the term used by Kitabtullah is Fazl and it didn't proclaim progeny of Adam AS as Afzalul Makhluqaat either, it only says children of Adam are superior to most but not all creation.
Please see Ayah: 17:70

Q: How does Kitabtullah portray the threat to its message and messenger?
A: They almost lured you away from what We have revealed to you, so that you would invent something else in Our name.
Please see Ayah: 17:73

Q: How does Kitabtullah warn the Prophet had he altered the divine message?
A: That he would be punished doubly here in this life and doubly in the hereafter.
Please see Ayah: 17:75

Q: What kind of examples did Kitabullah cite?
A: All kinds.
Please see Ayah: 17:89

Q: Has Kitabullah entertained the disbelievers demand of miracles?
A: No, it categorically rejected them.
Please see Ayah: 17:90

Q: How does Kitabtullah portray the human?
A: Self-serving and stingy.
Please see Ayah: 17:100

Q: What does Kitabullah say about prayer (salah/namaz) tone?
A: Prayers are to be recited in moderate tone, neither fully loudly nor completely quietly.
Please see Ayah: 17:110

Q: What are the 2 qualities and purposes of Kitabullah?
A: Unerringly upright and flawless and warner and bearer of good news
Please see Ayah: 18:2

Q: What does Kitabullah say about the divine command and ruling?
A: He shares no authority with anyone whatsoever
Please see Ayah: 18:26

Q: What is Hayat-ud-Dunya as per Kitabullah?
A: Wealth and Children
Please see Ayah: 18:46, 18:54

Q: According to Kitabullah in whose tongue was Quran revealed?
A: In the mother tongue of the Prophet
Please see Ayah: 19:97

Q: What is the purpose of prayer according to Kitabullah?
A: Establish the remembrance of God (Dhikrullah)
Please see Ayah: 20:14

Q: What are the two unique attributes of God according to Kitabullah?
A: He neither errs nor forgets
Please see Ayah: 20:52

Q: What choice does Kitabullah offer to mankind?
A: If they turn away from the message they have to bear the heavy burden eternally.
Please see Ayah: 20:100

Q: What is Kitabullah according to Kitabtullah?
A: The book of warning.
Please see Ayah: 20:113

Q: What does Kitabullah say about affluent people?
A: Not to be sorrowful and pity them.
Please see Ayah: 20:131

Q: What does Kitabullah say about accounting?
A: It's very near.
Please see Ayah: 21:1

Q: Kitabullah is for whom?
A: About ourselves.
Please see Ayah: 21:10

Q: Kitabullah is for whom?
A: About Prophet's people and people before him.
Please see Ayah: 21:24

Q: How does Kitabullah depicts Prophet's condition?
A: Fear and hope.
Please see Ayah: 21:90

Q: What does Kitabtullah say about Ummah?
A: He created one Ummah but they divided themselves.
Please see Ayah: 21:92

Q: Masjid al-Haraam is for whom as per Kitabtullah?
A: It is supposed to be open for all people except Mushrikeen.
Please see Ayah: 22:25

Q: What expectation Kitabtullah set when its verses are read and clarified?
A: People who deny the truth would almost assualt those who read God's messages.
Please see Ayah: 22:72

Q: According to Kitabtullah who chooses messengers, and who are they?
A: God chooses them, among angels and among men.
Please see Ayah: 22:75

Q: What does Kitabullah say about Deen?
A: That He has laid no difficulty/hardship on us in practicing His Deen.
Please see Ayah: 22:78

Q: How Kitabullah depicts the attitude of sectarianism?
A: People divided themselves into factions after God created one Ummah, each rejoicing in what they had.
Please see Ayah: 23:53

Q: What attribute (Sifat) Kitabullah highlight about Sabiqoon?
A: That they (Sabiqoon):
1. Do not indulge in Shirk
2. Give their charity with hearts full of awe/fear
3. Hasten in every good deed.
Please see Ayah: 23:59-61

Q: What dua does Kitabullah prescibe to keep Shayateen at bay?
A: Invoke: Waqurrabbi aʿūdhu bika min hamazātish-shayāṭīn. wa-aʿūdhu bika rabbi an yaḥḍurūn
Please see Ayah: 23:97

Q: Whom does Kitabullah first command about modesty and what?
A: Men. That they (men) always lower their gaze and guard their chastity.
Please see Ayah: 24:30

Q: What is the command of Kitabullah to women about chastity and dress-code?
A: That they (women) always 1. lower their gaze 2. guard their chastity and
1. wrap and cover their bosoms with the shawls
2. Not to display their beauty and ornaments except what normally appears thereof; except before
a) their husbands,
b) their fathers,
c) their fathers-in-law,
d) their own sons,
e) their stepsons,
f) their own brothers,
g) their nephews on either brothers’ or sisters’ sides,
i) their own womenfolk,
k) their own slaves,
l) male attendants who lack sexual desires or
m) small children who have no carnal knowledge of women.
3. Also enjoin them not to strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden trinkets.
Please see Ayah: 24:31

Q: What is the purpose Kitabullah give for its revelation?
A: For making things clear, an illustration from (the story of) people who passed away before us, and an admonition for those who fear (Allah).
Please see Ayah: 24:34

Q: Which houses are enlightened with Allah swt's Noor according to Kitabullah?
A: (This lamp is found, or the light is lit) In the houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and that His name shall be remembered (or mentioned) therein. His praises are celebrated therein mornings and evenings.
Please see Ayah: 24:36-37

Q: What periods of the day does Kitabullah indicates as privacy?
A: After Isha and before Fajr Salah and afternoon siesta.
Please see Ayah: 24:58

Q: Which category of women are excused from public dress-code as per Kitabullah?
A: Elderly women who are past the prospect of marriage, can discard the outer shawls/wraps but keep it is better (Aaliyat).
Please see Ayah: 24:60

Q: In which houses does Kitabullah permits eating food?
A: There is no harm if the blind, the lame, the sick or you yourselves eat separately or together in your own houses or in the houses of
a) your fathers,
b) or mothers,
c) or brothers,
d) or sisters,
e) or paternal uncles,
f) or paternal aunts,
g) or maternal uncles,
i) or maternal aunts,
k) or in those that you are in charge of or in the house of a friend
Please see Ayah: 24:61

Q: What ettiquette does Kitabullah prescribe when entering houses?
A: When you enter houses, salute one another with a greeting of peace, a greeting from your Lord full of blessings and purity.
Please see Ayah: 24:61

Q: What relationship Kitabullah shows between Quran and Rasool?
A: Being with the prophet is akin to being with the Quran and leaving Quran is like leaving the company of the prophet.
Please see Ayah: 25:27-30

Q: What does Kitabullah contains?
A: It has the best tafseer within text of this book.
Please see Ayah: 25:33

Q: As per Kitabullah Qaum-e-Nuh AS had rejected whom?
A: Many messengers (Rusool).
Please see Ayah: 25:37

Q: What traits does Kitabullah mentioned of Ibad ur Rahman?
A: Ibad ur Rahman are those who
a) walk on the earth humbly,
b) deal ignorants with peace,
c) spend good part of night worshiping,
d) beseech their Lord from punishment of Hell,
e) are neither wasteful nor stingy but moderate in spending,
f) never invoke anyone besides God,
g) never kill anyone unjustly and unlawful,
i) never commit adultery,
k) never bear witness/testify to vanity/falsehood
l) avoid useless (talk and act) with dignity
m) when reminded of the revelation of their Lord, do not turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to it
Please see Ayah: 25:63-76

Q: Why Kitabullah captures the manslaughter of Musa AS?
A: To show that mistakes and accidents happens even with the great Prophets and messengers and they shy not from accepting their fault and never deflect it.
Please see Ayah: 26:20

Q: Who descended with the Quran and where did he keep safe as per Kitabullah?
A: Ruh ul Amin on the heart/mind of the Prophet AS.
Please see Ayah: 26:192-193

Q: What's the purpose of Divine message that Kitabullah repeatedly mentioned?
A: To warn mankind and it has been the practice found in all previous scriptures.
Please see Ayah: 26:194-196

Q: Whom should the eloquent speakers and preachers be concerned with first and foremost according to Kitabullah?
A: They shall warn and preach their immediate family and relatives first and foremost before preaching the entire world.
Please see Ayah: 26:214

Q: How did Kitabullah portray most poets mind and actions?
A: They roam in every imaginary valleys saying things they never do themselves.
Please see Ayah: 26:225-226

Q: Quran is the book of what and to whom according to Kitabullah?
A: Book of guidance and glad tidings for Muminoon, who:
a) Establish prayers,
b) Give charity,
c) Firmly believe in the hereafter
Please see Ayah: 27:2-3

Q: Which 2 qualities did Kitabullah highlights as the author of Quran?
A: Quran has come from the one who is All Wise and All Knowing.
Please see Ayah: 27:6

Q: What is Quran for the Bani Israeel (Jews) according to Kitabullah?
A: It corrects the narratives found among Jews (from their oral and manuscripts) in which they differences. It's Furqan for them as well.
Please see Ayah: 27:76

Q: Who are Muslims according to Kitabullah?
A: Those who listen (giving up forefathers blind and deaf doctrines) will believe in Our revelations and become Muslims.
Please see Ayah: 27:81, 2:170

Q: What key elements did Kitabullah present about Nikah of Musa AS for our guidance?
A: Nikah's key elements and conditions:
1. It's between a sane and mature man and a sane and mature woman
2. Father or guardian of the bride engages broom for the contract
3. An affordable and practical Mehr should be set with immediate intention to deliver, not just a mere pledge.
4. To know and believe firmly that Allah swt is witness over Nikah's contract.
Please see Ayah: 28:27-28, 28:14, 4:6

Q: What do disbelievers percieve the powerful message and simplicity of Divine scriptures according to Kitabullah?
A: They percieved it as Magic supporting each other.
Please see Ayah: 28:48-49

Q: What is the position of Quran about the book given to Moses according to Kitabullah?
A: It is from Allah swt and it still a Divine book which provides guidance for its believers.
Please see Ayah: 28:48-49

Q: What the Prophet is made to proclaim about the book given to Moses according to Kitabullah?
A: It is on par with the Quran and full of guidance despite some corruption so much so the Prophet was ready to follow it.
Please see Ayah: 28:48-49

Q: What according to Kitabullah is Quran?
A: It is Al-Qawl (‘The Word’ or ‘The Statement’), sent down steadily as a reminder for us.
Please see Ayah: 28:51

Q: Who as per Kitabullah can only provide guidance?
A: A much as the Prophet would love to even he cannot but Only and only Allah swt alone guides.
Please see Ayah: 28:56

Q: The Quran amounts to what as per Kitabullah?
A: The Quran in its entirety is obligatory (Fard).
Please see Ayah: 28:85

Q: As per Kitabullah what's the weightage of verbal faith?
A: Verbal faith is insufficient without undergoing severe trial of life.
Please see Ayah: 29:2

Q: What is the stand of Kitabullah about "Meeting face to face with God"?
A: That God Himself has set an appointed time for whosoever hopes (and strive) to meet Him.
Please see Ayah: 29:5

Q: What condition did Kitabullah lay for meeting with God, face to face?
A: Great and mighty striving (Jihad).
Please see Ayah: 29:6

Q: What's the greatest form of worship according Kitabullah?
A: Dhikrullah, remembrance of God.
Please see Ayah: 29:45

Q: Did Kitabullah acknowledge any miracles given to the Prophet?
A: Nothing besides Quran.
Please see Ayah: 29:50-51, 20:133, 6:109

Q: What does Kitabullah say about migration?
A: Allah swt made the earth wide and spacious so migration is obligatory where God's worship is hindered.
Please see Ayah: 29:56

Q: In what words did Kitabullah portray the life of this world (Dunya)?
A: Amusement and a play.
Please see Ayah: 29:64

Q: Which life is real according to Kitabullah?
A: The home of the hereafter is the (real) life.
Please see Ayah: 29:64

Q: What condition Kitabullah mention for Divine guidance and proximity?
A: Striving in God's cause.
Please see Ayah: 29:69

Q: On whose nature (fitrat) did Allah swt create mankind on, as per Kitabullah?
A: On His nature (fitrat).
Please see Ayah: 30:30

Q: What picture Kitabullah paints about the mindset of sectarianism?
A: That every sect thinks they're right and rejoices in what they have.
Please see Ayah: 30:32

Q: Which deeds Kitabullah highlights for those who desire to get God's nearness (Qurb)?
A: Generous charity to
1) Relatives (as their right),
2) Poor and needy,
3) travelers (in need),
Please see Ayah: 30:38

Q: Which deed does Kitabullah pitch diagonally opposed to Usury (Riba)?
A: Zakat.
Please see Ayah: 30:39

Q: How does Kitabullah show the hour from believers and disbelievers view?
A: Disbelievers see it: Not more than an hour and
Believers see it: as time as destined by God.
Please see Ayah: 30:56

Q: What is the repeated claim of Kitabullah?
A: That it contains all kinds of examples and similitudes for the entire mankind.
Please see Ayah: 30:58

Q: For what kind of people did Kitabullah stores humiliating and painful punishment?
A: Those who invest their time in Lahw-al-HADITH (absurd and senseless HADITH), so as to lead those without knowledge away from the Path of Allah, making mockery of it (the Qur'an).
Please see Ayah: 31:6

Q: What are Azmil Umoor according to Kitabullah?
A: Azmil Umoor are
1) Establish prayers,
2) Enjoin good,
3) Forbid evil,
4) Be patient in hardship.
Please see Ayah: 31:17

Q: Which two things Kitabullah highlights as boastful arrogance?
A: Allah swt does not love any arrogant boaster who
1) avert people out of haughtiness,
2) roam the earth puffed up with pride,
Please see Ayah: 31:18

Q: Which three things according to Kitabullah without which one cannot enter into any debate about God?
A: Before entering into any argument or debate about God, one should have
1) Knowledge, and
2) guidance, and
3) Enlightened Book
Please see Ayah: 31:20

Q: What response did Kitabullah capture when people are called to follow divine revealation?
A: That they'll follow only what they find their forefathers on.
Please see Ayah: 31:21

Q: According to Kitabullah, can a child compensate (intercede for) his parent or vice-versa?
A: No, absolutely not.
Please see Ayah: 31:33

Q: Who alone has the knowledge of the four things, according to Kitabullah and what are they?
A: Allah swt alone has the knowledge of these things:
1) The Hour (of reckoning), and
2) (When and where) to send down the rain, and
3) Pregant wombs, and
4) One's earning tomorrow, and
5) Place of one's death.
Please see Ayah: 31:34

Q: According to Kitabullah, how was man created?
A: Alluding to evolution Kitabullah informs man was first created from clay.
Please see Ayah: 32:7

Q: What time and insurance Kitabullah mention for the Dua?
A: Wee hours and donating charity.
Please see Ayah: 32:16

Q: Who's most unjust and criminal person according to Kitabullah?
A: Who turns away from divine revealations upon reminder.
Please see Ayah: 32:22

Q: What does Kitabullah say about meeting God face to face?
A: Let there be no doubt whatsoever about this meeting.
Please see Ayah: 32:23

Q: What is the imperative command to the Prophet AS in the Kitabullah?
A: To follow only what's been sent down from His God.
Please see Ayah: 33:2

Q: How Kitabullah reject prevailing customary oral divorce?
A: It emphatically rejects word of mouth vows as divorce and calls it mere (emotional) utterances and misguidance, that Jahaliyat custom is akin to today's pronouncing triple talaq in one breath.
Please see Ayah: 33:4

Q: What guideline does Kitabullah give for adopted child?
A: Keep and call them by their real father's (family) names.
Please see Ayah: 33:5

Q: What honor, respect and reverence did Kitabullah hold out for the Prophet AS and his wives?
A: That the Prophet AS has authority/precedence over all believers and his wives are their mothers.
Please see Ayah: 33:6

Q: What is the decree of the Kitabullah about relationships?
A: Blood relationships has precedence over other believers including migrants.
Please see Ayah: 33:6

Q: For whom the Prophet AS is best role model as recorded by Kitabullah?
A: For those who:
1) Puts hope in God, and
2) Puts hope in the Last Day (of accounting), and
3) does much Dhikrullah
Please see Ayah: 33:21

Q: What choice did Kitabullah offer to Prophet's wives?
A: That they either pick and go with 1) Worldly life and its luxuries, or
2) Desire God, His Messenger, and a home in the Hereafter
Please see Ayah: 33:28-29

Q: How did Kitabullah present the Prophet's AS wives for believing women?
A: As an exemplary role model unlike anyother so much so any deed of theirs draws double reward or double punishment.
Please see Ayah: 33:30-32

Q: What commands did Kitabullah give to the Prophet's AS wives?
A: They're supposed
1) Not go about decked out with make-up and flaunt with dazzling display, and
2) Not be soft-spoken when speaking with men, and
3) Be straight forward and appropriate in their speech, and
4) Obey God and His messenger, and
5) Establish prayers and give Zakat, and
6) Remind (themselves and remind others) recitation of Ayaatullah-wal-Hikmah Please see Ayah: 33:32-34

Q: Who are primarily addressed as part of the Ahl-e-Bayt by Kitabullah?
A: All of the Prophet AS wives are primary members of his household (Ahl-e-Bayt).
Please see Ayah: 33:33

Q: For whom God has prepared forgiveness and tremendous reward, as per Kitabullah?
A: Equally for men and women who
1) submit to the will of Allah, and
2) believers, and
3) devout, and
4) truthful, and
5) patient, and
6) humble, and
7) charitable, and
8) keep fast, and
9) chaste and pure, and
10) remember Allah much Please see Ayah: 33:35

Q: How powerful the "fear of people" has Kitabullah captured?
A: So powerful and so influencing that even Prophet AS wasn't immune to it.
Please see Ayah: 33:37

Q: According to Kitabullah, on whom does Allah swt and His angels sends blessings?
A: On believers who
1) remember Allah much, and
2) glorify Him in the mornings and evenings Please see Ayah: 33:41-43

Q: Did Kitabullah prescribe face-veil (Niqab)?
A: No, it did not.
Please see Ayah: 33:52, 33:59

Q: What instruction does Kitabullah captured for our posterity about Allah's swt stern command to Companions (Sahaba) involving in Hadith inside the Prophet's AS home?
A: That they should not indulge in Hadith before or after meals inside the Prophet's AS home let alone collecting second hand hadith at other places. This also annoys and painful to the Prophet AS.
Please see Ayah: 33:53

Q: Who alone has the knowledge of the Hour, according to Kitabullah?
A: Allah swt alone has the knowledge of the Hour and even the Prophet AS is unaware of its nearness
Please see Ayah: 33:63

Q: Whose following has Kitabullah shown people regretting?
A: Having obeyed Sadat (plural of Sayyid) and great (society influential) ones as opposed to Allah swt and His messenger.
Please see Ayah: 33:67

Q: What easy remedy does Kitabullah offer for deeds rectification and sins forgiveness ?
A: Be mindful of God, and speak in a straightforward way.
Please see Ayah: 33:70

Q: According to Kitabullah who are tremendously successful?
A: Those who obeyed Allah swt and His messenger.
Please see Ayah: 33:71

Q: Who as per Kitabullah see Quran as truth and it leads to the path of God?
A: Those who have knowledge.
Please see Ayah: 34:6

Q: Did Kitabullah prohibit arts and statues?
A: No.
Please see Ayah: 34:13

Q: Does Kitabullah prescribe elaborate death rites and rituals?
A: No, rather simply burying the dead body and emulating the Prophet AS offering prayer of Maghfirah as commanded to him is all what is needed and expected.
Please see Ayah: 5:31, 9:84

Q: Which ayah is one of the most disturbing recorded by Kitabullah as forewarning?
A: Satan's assesment and assumption about mankind.
Please see Ayah: 34:20

Q: Which trait of human did Kitabullah capture?
A: Blame-game.
Please see Ayah: 34:31

Q: What ascends and acceptable before God as per Kitabullah?
A: Good and pure words and righteous deeds.
Please see Ayah: 35:10

Q: Can anyone bear the burden of others?
A: No, not even close relatives can releive the burden of their kins.
Please see Ayah: 35:18

Q: Who's likened to dead in the graves?
A: Disbelievers who refuse to listen to the message.
Please see Ayah: 35:22

Q: Who truly dread and are in awe of Almighty God?
A: Knowledgeable (subject matter experts) people.
Please see Ayah: 35:28

Q: Who will enjoy zero-loss trade as per Kitabullah?
A: Those who
1) Read and follow the Book of God, and
2) establish prayers, and
3) spend in charity publicly and privately
Please see Ayah: 35:29

Q: Whom can be followed as per Kitabullah?
A: Those who
1) Ask you no payment (gift, salary, fee or goods), and
2) they themselves are guided
Please see Ayah: 36:21

Q: Is Surah Yaseen for the living or for the dead?
A: The warning in the Quran is for the living as recorded in Surah Yaseen.
Please see Ayah: 36:70

Q: What shall everyone strive for according to Kitabullah?
A: The ultimate success (paradise), where there's no more death.
Please see Ayah: 37:60

Q: What is admissible argument as per Kitabullah?
A: Manifest authority (divine writ).
Please see Ayah: 37:156-157

Q: For whom the Kitab is beneficial and a reminder as per Kitabullah?
A: For the people who ponder and understand.
Please see Ayah: 38:29

Q: What's the purpose of narrating Prophets stories and events in Kitabullah?
A: For the people's reminder (to emulate them).
Please see Ayah: 38:43-50

Q: How many EPIC dialogues between God and Satan did Kitabullah record and for what?
A: 7 powerful and epic dialogues are recorded for our posterity as a reminder and warning.
Please see Ayah: 38:75-88

Q: According to Kitabullah are people of knowledge and ignorants same?
A: No, and this difference is appreciated by men of understanding only.
Please see Ayah: 39:9

Q: What is obvious and great loss as per Kitabullah?
A: The real losers are those who lose themselves and their families on the Day of Judgement. That is manifest and great loss.
Please see Ayah: 39:15

Q: Who are intelligent and on guidance as per Kitabullah?
A: Those who listen to the Word (of God), and follow the best (meaning) in it: those are the ones whom Allah has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding.
Please see Ayah: 39:18

Q: Would the Prophet AS save someone who is condemned with eternal punishment and already in the fire?
A: No not as per Kitabullah.
Please see Ayah: 39:19

Q: What's the sign that someone's heart is open to Islam?
A: That person's heart is not negligent of remembrance of God (Dhikrullah).
Please see Ayah: 39:22

Q: Who are manifestly wandering (in error) according to Kitabullah?
A: Those whose hearts are hardened against celebrating the praises of Allah (Dhikrullah) .
Please see Ayah: 39:22

Q: What's the sign that someone's has guidance of Allah swt?
A: Their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance of Allah (Dhikrullah).
Please see Ayah: 39:23

Q: What is Quran and what is its purpose?
A: Arabic Quran is flawless, full of parables for mankind to reflect and be righteous (Muttaqeen).
Please see Ayah: 39:27-28

Q: What does Kitabullah says about death (Maut)?
A: That everyone will taste it including the Prophet AS.
Please see Ayah: 39:30

Q: Who are righteous (Muttaqeen) according to Kitabullah?
A: The one (messenger) who brings the truth (message) and those who affirm and confirm it.
Please see Ayah: 39:33

Q: What is the sign of disbelief in the hereafter life?
A: Their hearts shrink with resentment when only God alone is mentioned.
Please see Ayah: 39:45

Q: God forgives all sins of whom as per Kitabullah?
A: Those who repent and fully submit (to God), and follow the best (meaning) of revealation.
Please see Ayah: 39:53-56

Q: For whom does angels praying and seeking forgiveness and favors of Allah swt upon as shown by Kitabullah?
A: For those who repent and follow the path that leads to Allah swt (Path to Beatific Vision).
Please see Ayah: 40:7,12:108

Q: According to Kitabullah, how many lives and deaths are we going to realize?
A: Two lives and two deaths.
Please see Ayah: 40:11

Q: As per Kitabullah, what attitude is hateful and despicable near Allah swt and the believers?
A: The conduct and attitude of those who dispute Divine Revelation/Signs without any Divine Authority.
Please see Ayah: 40:35

Q: Which place does Kitabullah points to as permanent residency (green card)?
A: Final abode (Hell or Heavens) is the only permanent place of residency.
Please see Ayah: 40:39

Q: As per Kitabullah, which creation is greater?
A: Truly, creating the heavens and the earth is far greater than creating (and re-creating) the human beings.
Please see Ayah: 40:57,31:28

Q: Whose prayers (dua) receives response as per Kitabullah?
A: Making Du'a directly with Allah swt and not being arrogant to call Him.
Please see Ayah: 40:60

Q: Which animals are for consumption according to Kitabullah?
A: Some from grazing animals, others are for ride.
Please see Ayah: 40:80

Q: How did Kitabullah compare revealation sent down with the messengers with knowledge of the people who rejected it?
A: The disbelievers are shown confessing that act of theirs as Shirk.
Please see Ayah: 40:83-84

Q: What's the continous prophecy of Kitabullah about itself?
A: Despite being distinct and explained in detail most people do not even want to listen to it, let alone obey and submit!
Please see Ayah: 41:3-4

Q: How does Kitabullah portrays the concept of Zakat?
A: Arguably as citizenry's tax so even Mushrikeen are not exempted.
Please see Ayah: 41:6-7

Q: Which tactic of the disbelievers did Kitabullah expose w.r.t Quran's message?
A: Not to listen rather insert frivolities in its message!
Please see Ayah: 41:26

Q: Who are "Awliya" of Mumineen as per Kitabullah?
A: The angels are Awliya (friends and helpers) of the mumineen both in this and the next world!
Please see Ayah: 41:30

Q: What kind of a Book is Kitabullah as it informs us?
A: Authoritative, and protected in original Arabic from falsehood (corruption)!
Please see Ayah: 41:41-42

Q: How did Kitabullah contrast itself on believers and detractors?
A: It's guidance and healing for the believers and hard of hearing and blind to disbelievers !
Please see Ayah: 41:44

Q: According to Kitabullah how's mankind's eternal fate going to be?
A: It will be split into two, majority eternally Hell bound and minority in eternal bliss!
Please see Ayah: 42:7

Q: What does Kitabullah say when people differ on any matter?
A: The final verdict and judgment rest with Allah swt alone!
Please see Ayah: 42:10

Q: What does Kitabullah inform us about Kalaamullah?
A: Allah wipes out the absurd, the false and futile; and He validates the truth with His words
Please see Ayah: 42:24

Q: What does Kitabullah say about Musibat (afflictions/troubles)?
A: Whatever misfortune befalls is a consequence of our own deeds
Please see Ayah: 42:30

Q: What qualities did Kitabullah list for Mutawakkileen?
A: Those who
1) avoid major sins and shameful deeds, and forgive when angered, and
2) respond to their Lord, establish prayer, conduct their affairs by mutual consultation, and donate from what We have provided for them, and
3) enforce justice when wronged, and (even more better)
4) bear patiently and forgives
Please see Ayah: 42:36-43

Q: Which thing did Kitabullah highlight as Azm il-Umoor (Great resolve)?
A: And, certainly indeed, it is among the most resolute of acts for anyone to be patient and forgiving
Please see Ayah: 42:43

Q: How Kitabullah present itself and faith (Imaan)?
A: It surprises even the Prophet SAS both about itself and the news (glad tiding) of Imaan.
Please see Ayah: 42:52

Q: How powerfully did Kitabullah paint the picture of tempation of wealth (Dunya) vs Imaan?
A: The final verdict and judgment rest with Allah swt alone!Were it not that people might ˹be tempted to˺ become one community ˹of disbelievers˺, We would have supplied the homes of ˹only˺ those who disbelieve in the Most Compassionate with silver roofs and ˹silver˺ stairways to ascend and silver doors to their houses and silver couches on which to recline and gold ornaments.
Please see Ayah: 43:33-35

Q: Who's made Qareen (closest friend) as per Kitabullah?
A: Whoever turns away from remembrance/reminder Shaitaan is made closest friend.
Please see Ayah: 43:37

Q: What is Sirat al-Mustaqeem according to Kitabullah?
A: Holding firmly to the revealation is in fact Sirat al-Mustaqeem (the straight path).
Please see Ayah: 43:43

Q: What does Kitabullah inform us about itself?
A: Quran's Message is for us and soon (all of) us shall be questioned (about it)
Please see Ayah: 43:44

Q: According to Kitabullah who will be real friends?
A: Muttaqeen will be the real friends, all worldly ties will be severed.
Please see Ayah: 43:67

Q: Who are Muslimeen according to Kitabullah?
A: Muslimeen are those who believe in the verses.
Please see Ayah: 43:69

Q: What did the Prophet SAS say about "Son of God" as depicted by Kitabullah?
A: He was asked to say “If Rahman [truly] had a son, I would be the first to worship him!”.
Please see Ayah: 43:69

Q: What does Kitabullah inform about itself?
A: It's made easy in the dialect/tongue of Prophet's people so they take heed.
Please see Ayah: 44:58

Q: What does Kitabullah say about those who ridicule its verses?
A: There's a humiliating punishment for them in the hereafter.
Please see Ayah: 45:9

Q: What does Kitabullah say about those who persist in denial of the verses?
A: They hear Allah’s revelations recited to them, then persist ˹in denial˺ arrogantly as if they did not hear them. So give them good news of a painful punishment.
Please see Ayah: 45:8

Q: According to Kitabullah what are the components of Shariah?
A: We set thee (O Muhammad) on a clear road of (Our) commandment; so follow it, and follow not the whims of those who know. So, Shariah is nothing but just the Command of God (shariat min al-Amr) and left no room for Ijma, Qiyas or uncorroborated Hadith/Sunnah. The pronon Ha (poining back to single source) in the Fa-ttabi-Ha clearly put the argument to rest.

Please see Ayah: 45:8

Q: According to Kitabullah what is Ilah (God)?
A: The thing that we desire to follow is our God.
Please see Ayah: 45:23

Q: How did Kitabullah portray the Messenger?
A: He was commanded to Say, "I am neither novel nor unprecedented among the messengers. I do not know what will happen to you or me. I merely follow what is revealed to me. I am simply a clear-cut warner.".
Please see Ayah: 46:9

Q: As per Kitabullah what's the grading/ranking criterion on the Day of Judgement?
A: Amaal (Deeds).
Please see Ayah: 46:19

Q: How did Kitabullah capture the reaction of party of Jinn regarding Quran?
A: They (Jinn)
1) Listened quietly and attentively, and
2) wasted no time sharing the message with their community, and
3) warned them of the day of Judgement, and
4) were convinced of its power to impart guidance and keeping them on straight path
Please see Ayah: 46:29-30

Q: What's the signficance and status of Dayi-ilallaah as per Kitabullah?
A: It's obligatory to heed his call and to repose faith in him, rejecting his call leads to Hell.
Please see Ayah: 46:31-32

Q: How did Kitabullah contrast Haq and Batil?
A: Disbelevers follow (itteba) the Batil and believers repose faith in the revealation.
Please see Ayah: 47:2-3

Q: What reason did Kitabullah single out for people not pondering on Quran?
A: Locks on our hearts.
Please see Ayah: 47:24

Q: How does Kitabullah project the authority and honor of its messenger?
A: The believers are forewarned
1) Do not proceed ˹in any matter˺ before ˹a decree from˺ Allah and His Messenger, and
2) don’t raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet, nor talk loudly with him as you might talk loudly with each other, your deeds will be ruined without you knowing
Please see Ayah: 49:1-2

Q: How grave a sin is backbiting did Kitabullah informs us about?
A: The example given is unimaginary (eating flesh of one's own brother's dead body), so shall be backbiting!
Please see Ayah: 49:12

Q: How did Kitabullah describe rain?
A: It's a God's blessed water!
Please see Ayah: 50:9

Q: How did Kitabullah capture a dialogue between Allah swt and Hell?
A: ˹Beware of˺ the Day We will ask Hell, “Are you full ˹yet˺?” And it will respond, “Are there any more?”
Please see Ayah: 50:30

Q: Who according to Kitabullah heed to its message?
A: Surely in this there is a Reminder and a Message for anyone who
1) has a heart and understanding, and
2) gives ear (to the truth) attentively
Please see Ayah: 50:9

Q: As per Kitabullah, Quran is a reminder for whom?
A: For anyone who (truly) fears God's warning!
Please see Ayah: 50:45

Q: What 3 qualities Kitabullah describe of Mohsineen?
A: Muhsineen are those who
1) used to sleep only little in the night, and
2) in the early dawn would pray for forgiveness from their innermost hearts, and
3) knows the right of the needy (who asked) for it, and the deprived (who did not ask) from their wealth
Please see Ayah: 51:17-19

Q: As per Kitabullah, reminder from Quran benefits for whom?
A: Mumineen (believers)
Please see Ayah: 51:55

Q: How did Kitabullah address the most intriguing question mankind has been seeking answer i.e., the purpose of their creation?
A: Jinn and humans are created only to worship Allah swt alone (and no one else)
Please see Ayah: 51:56

Q: On what basis as per Kitabullah will the family reunion take place in the afterlife?
A: Iman and Amal
Please see Ayah: 52:21

Q: What universal principle did Kitabullah lay for mankind even after family reunion?
A: Those who have believed and their offspring have followed them in faith, We will unite them with their offspring (even though the faith of the latter may not be of the same degree as that of the former), and We will not decrease the reward of their deeds in anything (because of their being united with their offspring). Yet (as a rule) each person is held as a collateral against what he has earned.
Please see Ayah: 52:21

Q: How did Kitabullah compare and challenege creation's word (hadith) with Word of God (Quran)?
A: Or do they (Kuffar) say: “He (Muhammad) has made this Quran, Nay rather they believe not'.
Let them (Kuffar) then come with Hadees like unto it if they deem it true that it's the work of a mere mortal
Please see Ayah: 52:33-34

Q: As per Kitabullah whose words did the messenger deliver?
A: Nor does he speak from [his own] inclination, that [which he conveys to you] is but [a divine] inspiration with which he is being inspired.
Please see Ayah: 53:3-4

Q: What question does Kitabullah pose for our wishes?
A: Shall man have whatever he craves?
Please see Ayah: 53:24

Q: What does Kitabullah inform us about major sins, indecensies and self-piety?
A: To whoever avoids the major wrong actions and indecencies — except for minor lapses — truly your Lord is vast in forgiveness. He has most knowledge of you when He first produced you from the earth, and when you were embryos in your mothers´ wombs. So do not claim purity for yourselves. He knows best those who have taqwa.
Please see Ayah: 53:32

Q: What principle does Kitabullah presents for Judgment Day?
A: That there will be no load sharing or bearing of another
we're responsible for, and compensated for, our labor
our effort (regardless of results here) will be seen there
we will be given the full wages for our efforts
Please see Ayah: 53:38-41

Q: According to Kitabullah what should be our reaction on the Hadith (this Quran) about Judgement Day?
A: That we weep not laugh!
Please see Ayah: 53:59-60

Q: How Kitabullah portrays humans behavior to its stories for admonition?
A: It serves as sufficient warning but we don't heed its warnings
Please see Ayah: 54:4-5

Q: What does Kitabullah repeatedly claims about itself?
A: God made the Qur’an very easy to understand the admonition
Please see Ayah: 54:17

Q: According to Kitabullah where is Allah swt?
A: He's with us wherever we're
Please see Ayah: 57:4

Q: What does Kitabullah inform us about money/wealth?
A: That it's not our own but we're entruested with it (Hence Allah Diya)!
Please see Ayah: 57:7

Q: According to Kitabullah what's the sign of hardened heart?
A: It's empty of Remembrance of Allah (Dhikrullah)!
Please see Ayah: 57:16

Q: According to Kitabullah why people drift away from it?
A: Prolong time!
Please see Ayah: 57:16

Q: According to Kitabullah what is heart softner?
A: Remembrance of Allah (Dhikrullah) and submission to Kitabullah!
Please see Ayah: 57:16

Q: What is worldly life (Hayat ad-Dunya) as per Kitabullah?
A: Allah swt informs us that worldly life (Hayat ad-Dunya) is
1) a sport and an entertainment,
2) an attraction with decor/adnornment,
3) showing off and boasting among yourselves, and
4) pursuit of wealth and children
Please see Ayah: 57:20

Q: According to Kitabullah what are calamities that befall us?
A: They're predestined and in foreknowledge before Allah swt bring it on (to test) us!
Please see Ayah: 57:22

Q: Who, as per Kitabullah, are party of Devil (Hizb ush-Shaitaan) and what's their sign?
A: Heedless to Remembrance of Allah (Dhikrullah) is sign that such are party to Satan.
Please see Ayah: 58:19

Q: Who, as per Kitabullah, are party of Allah (Hizbullah) and what's their sign?
A: The party of Allah (Hizbullah) are those who:
1) Truly believe in Allah swt and the Last Day 2) Aren't affectionate towards those who contravene Allah swt and His Messenger 3) Imaan is inscribed on their Hearts and they're supported by Ruh Please see Ayah: 58:22

Q: Who, as per Kitabullah, are going to avail when it matter most?
A: None, not even one's blood relations nor our own children.
Please see Ayah: 60:3

Q: According to Kitabullah, befriending Jews and Christians forbidden?
A: Not all or everyone of them but only those who:
1) fought you for ˹your˺ faith,
2) driven you out of your homes, or supported ˹others˺ in doing so
Please see Ayah: 60:9

Q: How did Kitabullah pre-emptied indeceny and discrepancy from Prophet's obedience?
A: By commanding the migrating women (who stays/confined inside their homes and only attributions to Prophet reach them through men) not to disobey him in any decent matter (Maroof).
Please see Ayah: 60:12

Q: What is the best business/investment as per Kitabullah?
A: Striving with our might and main in His cause, with our properties and persons.
Please see Ayah: 61:10

Q: What terrible example did Kitabullah strike the jews who forsake Divine Book (Taurat) with?
A: Donkey carrying tomes of books and reject verses of God (Ayaat-e-Ilahi).
Please see Ayah: 62:5

Q: What does Kitabullah say about Juma prayer?
A: Following 6 things are commanded to the believers in the imperative mode:
1) Nida (Call to Juma prayer) 2) Hasten to the call to gather (converge) at a single place 3) Leave preoccupation 4) Disperse after gathering location 5) Seek the blessing of Allah swt 6) Engage in Zikrullah abundantly Please see Ayah: 62:9-10

Q: Who as per Kitabullah give empty verbal Shahadah?
A: Hypocrities.
Please see Ayah: 63:1

Q: What is children and wealth as per Kitabullah?
A: They're test and trial and distraction from Zikrullah and take us to doom.
Please see Ayah: 63:9, 64:15

Q: What is the first regret or wish after death a person makes as per Kitabullah?
A: That had he got little more time to do charity (Sadaqa) to be among Saliheen.
Please see Ayah: 63:10

Q: What is the Kitabullah's command about Talaq?
A: After all reconciliation options are exhausted, execute divorce (Talaq) during waiting period (period of purity). This negates the belief of instantaneous triple Talaq in one sitting.
Please see Ayah: 65:1

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's the purpose of message and messenger?
A: Messenger who recites God's verses that make things clear to you, that he may bring those who believe and do good deeds from the darkness of ignorance into enlightenment.
Please see Ayah: 65:11

Q: Who, according to Kitabullah, are of concern foremost?
A: Ourselves and our families.
Please see Ayah: 66:6

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's not guaranteed?
A: Salvation by Suhbat (company) without true belief and practice.
Please see Ayah: 66:11

Q: Which regretful wish of people of Hellfire did Kitabullah capture?
A: They wish they had used their intellect in the World!
Please see Ayah: 67:10

Q: According to Kitabullah how serious is the crime of attributing any fabrication/falsehood in the name of Allah?
A: Let alone false attributed hadith even if the messenger had done it Allah swt would have seized and cut off his life-vein.
Please see Ayah: 69:44-46

Q: How does Kitabullah portray Qiyamah?
A: Disbelevers assume it far off and God sees it very near!
Please see Ayah: 70:7

Q: Does Kitabullah condone or condemn wealth hoarding and accumulation?
A: Sternly warned against hoarding, accumulating and withholding (anti-thesis of stingy Sunni's annual 2.5% Zakat system)!
Please see Ayah: 70:18

Q: As per Kitabullah, what's the trait of true Musalleen?
A: There's well-known and rightful share in their wealth for charity (Lillah)
Please see Ayah: 70:24

Q: Which beautiful Dua of Nuh AS captred by Kitabullah for our daily use?
A: My Lord, forgive me and my parents, as well as anyone who enters my house as a believer, plus believing men and believing women! Do not increase wrongdoers in anything except destruction."
Please see Ayah: 70:28

Q: Which 3 Prophet's declarations does Kitabullah captures?
A: Allah swt commanded the Prophet to Say:
1) 'I pray only to my Lord, and I never associate anyone with Him.'
2) 'It is not in my power to harm you, nor to bring you to right conduct.'
3) 'No one can protect me from God, and I will not find any refuge except with Him
Please see Ayah: 70:20-22

Q: As per Kitabullah, what and how to perform zikr?
A: And commemorate the name of thy Lord: And separate thy self unto Him, renouncing worldly vanities.
Please see Ayah: 73:8

Q: According to Kitabullah, what leads one straight to Allah swt?
A: Indeed this (Quran) is a reminder, so anyone who wants, takes a way to his Lord (with it).
Please see Ayah: 73:19, 76:29

Q: According to Kitabullah, man is given free will or not?
A: Verily, We have shown him the path clearly (giving him the full choice) whether he be grateful or ungrateful.
Please see Ayah: 76:3

Q: As per Kitabullah, for the love of Allah give food to whom and with what mindset?
1) Poor
2) Orphan
3) Captive
For the sake of Allah swt without expecting in returns thanks or recognition in this world.
Please see Ayah: 76:8-9

Q: According to Kitabullah, How and how was Quran revealed?
A: Allah swt Himself has put triple emphasis on the ownership and revealation responsibility of the Quran.
Verily We, We, We have sent down unto you Al-Quran descending gradually (in portions, and after intervals) Please see Ayah: 76:23

Q: Kitabullah perscibe which Zikrullah and at what times?
A: Remember the Name of your Lord in the morning and evening.
Please see Ayah: 76:25

Q: What does Kitabullah says about any Hadith?
A: Then in what statement (hadith) after it (ahsan al-hadith) will they believe?
Please see Ayah: 77:50

Q: What meaning did Kitabullah convey for His name, Al-Rahman?
A: The Almighty, before whom none can even utter a word!
Please see Ayah: 78:37, 67:20

Q: Whose abode is Hell as per Kitabullah?
A: The one who:
1) had transgressed divinely set bounds
2) And was preoccupied with the worldly life
Please see Ayah: 79:37-38

Q: How will we see our lifespan compared to hereafter as per Kitabullah?
A: an evening or a morning.
Please see Ayah: 79:46

Q: On whom does Kitabullah send condemnation (reproach/lanat)?
A: On human beings who deny the Majestic Quran.
Please see Ayah: 80:17

Q: According to Kitabullah, man will flee from whom on the day he needs them most?
A: That Day shall a man flee from his own
1) Brother
2) Mother
3) Father
4) Wife
5) Sons
Please see Ayah: 80:24-26

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's Quran?
A: It's Qaul al-Kareem (saying of the Noble Messenger).
Please see Ayah: 81:19

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's Quran?
A: It's the Message to the Mankind.
Please see Ayah: 81:27

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's Sirat-e-Mustaqeem?
A: Quran.
Please see Ayah: 81:28

Q: As per Kitabullah, our actions are tracked and by whom?
A: Yes, many (not just two) angelic forces are tasked to record and write and safeguard every deed we perform.
Please see Ayah: 82:10-11

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's Yawm ad-Deen?
A: It is the Day when no one will be able to do anything for another.
Please see Ayah: 81:19

Q: According to Kitabullah, who will never see/have vision of God?
A: Those who belie (oppose) Ayaat of Majestic (Quran) will never get to see (have vision of) God, not even in the Hereafter.
Please see Ayah: 83:15

Q: According to Kitabullah, what are we supposed to do when Quran's message is read to us?
A: Submit unconditionally.
Please see Ayah: 84:21

Q: According to Kitabullah, what and where's Quran?
A: Quran-e-Majeed (Glorious Quran) is inscribed in Lauh Mahfooz (preserved/guarded Tablet).
Please see Ayah: 85:21-22

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's Quran?
A: Surely! this (Qur’an) is the decisive Word that separates (truth from falsehood).
Please see Ayah: 86:13

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's not Quran?
A: It's no joke to be taken lightly.
Please see Ayah: 86:14

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's sign of fear of God?
A: Those who fear God listen and take heed to Quran's warnings and message.
Please see Ayah: 87:10

Q: According to Kitabullah, who are successful?
A: Successful is the one who:
1) Purify
2) Engage in Zikrullah
3) Perform Salat
4) prefers hereafter over dunya
Please see Ayah: 87:14-17

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's uphill road?
A: Uphill road (to overcome) is:
1) Freeing slave
2) Feeding hungry
3) Feeding orphan relatives
4) Feeding needy person in distress
5) who believe and persevere (in belief), and persevere with kindness and compassion
Please see Ayah: 90:12-17

Q: How many highway/road did Allah swt show to man, as per Kitabullah?
A: Two, good and evil.
Please see Ayah: 90:10

Q: According to Kitabullah, what's the ransom of Hellfire and self-purification?
A: Giving away the wealth with no return reward or recognition but only seeking the Face of his Lord (Divine Vision).
Please see Ayah: 92:18-21

Q: As per Kitabullah, what happens to our deeds?
A: Even the smallest deed, good or bad will be on display.
Please see Ayah: 99:7

Q: How did Kitabullah portrays man?
A: He is more severe/passionate in the cherishing/love of good.
Please see Ayah: 100:8

Q: According to Kitabullah, what people end-up eternally in?
A: Enjoying a blissful life or in an abyss in Scorching fire.
Please see Ayah: 101:7-11

Q: According to Kitabullah, we're subjected to questioning of what?
A: Then surely we will be questioned that Day about the blessing.
Please see Ayah: 102:8


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Quran-e-Majeed is timeless book, so these questions are relevant (and addressed) to us just as they were to its first audience at the revealation time.

Q: Say: Praise be to Allah and peace on (Salaamun Alaa) His servants whom He has chosen: is Allah better, or what they associate (with Him)? 27:59

Q: He Who created the heavens and the earth, and sent down for you water from the cloud; then We cause to grow thereby beautiful gardens; it is not possible for you that you should make the trees thereof to grow. Is there a god with Allah? 27:60

Q: Who made the earth a restingplace, and made in it rivers, and raised on it mountains and placed between the two seas a barrier. Is there a god with Allah? 27:61

Q: Who answers the distressed one when he calls upon Him and removes the evil, and He will make you successors in the earth. Is there a god with Allah? 27:62

Q: Who guides you in utter darkness of the land and the sea, and Who sends the winds as good news before His mercy. Is there a god with Allah? 27:63

Q: Were they created from nothing or did they create themselves? 52:35

Q: Have you considered the seeds you sow in the ground? Is it you who make them grow or We? 56:63

Q: Have you considered the water that you drink? Is it you who brought it down from the clouds, or is it We who bring it down? 56:70

Q: And if He abandons you, then, who is there to help you after that? 3:160

Q: Why do they not study the Quran carefully, if it were from other than God, they would have found in it numerous contradictions? 4:82

Q: Do you order people to devoutness and forget yourselves, when you recite the Book? Will you not use your intellect? 2:44

Q: Say, "Can the blind and seeing be considered equal? Why will you not think?" 6:50

Q: Do you think you will enter Paradise without Allah proving which of you ˹truly˺ struggled ˹for His cause˺ and patiently endured? 3:142

Q: “Imagine if Allah were to make the night perpetual for you until the Day of Judgment, which god other than Allah could bring you sunlight? Will you not then listen?” 28:71

Q: “Imagine if Allah were to make the day perpetual for you until the Day of Judgment, which god other than Allah could bring you night to rest in? 28:72

Q: O believer, why do you preach something you are not practicing? 61:2

Q: Why do you create obstacles in the way of God for those who believe in Him, trying to make His way seem crooked when you know that it is straight? 3:99

Q: It is We Who has created you. Why then do you not affirm the truth? 56:57

Q: These are the Ayaat of Allah We recite to you with Truth. Then, in what HADITH (discourse/report), if not in Allah and His Verses, will they believe? 45:6

Q:But for people who have inner certainty, who could be a better law-giver than God? 5:50

Q:Who could be more unjust than the one who attribute lies to Allah swt and falsify His word? 6:21


Quran-e-Majeed has explicitly and repeatedly made clear what kind of people God loves closing the door on both the sincere people who self impose unnecessary hardships on themselves with a view to gain Love of God and the fake and fraudsters who delibrately mislead people prescribing innovations in the religion.

God loves Muhsineen (those who do good) 2:195, 3:134, 3:148, 5:13, 5:93

God loves Tawwabeen (those who repent) 2:222

God loves Muqsiteen (those who are just) 5:42, 49:9, 60:8

God loves Sabireen (those who are patient) 3:146

God loves Muttaqeen (those who righteous/careful) 3:76, 9:4, 9:7

God loves Mutawakkileen (those who put their full trust in Him) 3:159

God loves Mutahhireen (those who strive for spiritual/inner purification) 9:108

God loves Mutatahireen (those who keep themselves physically/outwardly pure and clean) 2:222

God loves Muqatileen** (those who fight in His way) 61:4

** All the traits that God loves are used as Nouns (which has inherent constancy/permanancy) as you can see in the above list with the exception of this last one, where Quran did not use Muqatileen rather yuqatiluna يُقَتِلُونَ as verb (temporary, last as long as action takes), making it clear with perfect choice of word (verb unlike noun) that fighting is conditional (in defense and as a last resort) and time bound.


When the Quran coins similitude, it uses the Arabic word مَثَلُ to describe them. God make it absolutely clear that such a parable has been cited in order for mankind (Mumin in particular) to reflect and ponder over as they intend to drive an underlying moral teaching.

Someone who kindles a fire >> 2:17-18

Rainstorm from sky >> 2:19-20

Likeness of disbelevers >> 2:171

Grain that sprouts >> 2:261

Smooth rock with some soil >> 2:264

The freezing wind >> 3:117

The dog that pants >> 7:176

Water sent down from the skies >> 10:24

Promised Paradise >> 13:35

Scattered ashes >> 14:18

Good word like a good tree >> 14:24

Evil word like an evil tree >> 14:26

A dumb man vs man who enjoins justice >> 16:76

Affluent town of ingrates >> 16:112

Gardens of grapevines >> 18:32

Life of this world >> 18:45

Weak seeker and the sought >> 22:73

Likeness of God's light >> 24:35-36

Spider's house >> 29:41

Servant vs partner >> 30:28

Companions of the town and 3 messengers >> 36:13-32

One master vs several masters >> 39:29

Promised Paradise of drinks >> 47:15

Likeness of the Companions >> 48:29

Rain which pleases the peasants >> 57:20

Fear of (word of) God >> 59:21

Deniers of word of God likened to Donkey carrying books >> 62:5

Quran Sunni's Aqeeda
Divine Vision (Deedar) Invites Hope/Desire (Talab-e-Deedar) No hope
Hijrat Hijrat is open No Hijrat after Madina
Previous Messengers/message for guidance Consider Mansukh
Lailat ul-Qadr 27th Believe in random rotation
Commercialize Deen Firmly prohibits Make profession and living out of Deen
Masjid al-Haraam (Mecca) Mention only one Masjid al-Haraam Believe in Haramain (Mecca+Madina)
Redemption from Hell One way, eternal and no escape Yet they believe
Haram Months 4 consecutive 7th, 11th, 12th, 1st
Azab-e-Qabar No mention Antithesis of Qiyamah, yet they firmly believe
Asbab ul-Nazul Timeless Book reduced to ridiculous stories
Ummiyeen Gentiles Illiterate people
Nasikh wal Mansukh Not even a harf Yet they believe 500+ verses are abrogated
Hadith, Ijma wa Qiyas No authority granted Yet they believe in them as sources of law besides Kitabullah
Deen of previous people Same Imperpect and Incomplete
Khatem-e-Risalat Only Khatem-e-Nubuvat Yet they believe
Celebrations (Eid) Rejoice Revelation (27th Laylatul Qadr) Celebrate end of blessed month of revelation (Eid)
Dog Loyal Pet/Guardian and Hunting animal for food Unclean, Evil, Angel repellent

Islamic Shariah
Quran's Shariah Sunni's Shariah
Shahadah No command Cannot enter Islam without public declaration
Apostasy Freedom of Religion Death Penalty
Blasphemy Be patient and forsake blasphemers Death Penalty
Zina Lashes Rajam (stoning)
Zakat Anything surplus on income 2.5% on annual savings
Mutah Misaqan Ghaleeza Ridiculous
Triple Talaq No disolves instantly in 3 pronouncements
Gold/Silk for Men No prohibition Haram for men
Music/Singing No prohibition Haram for all
Women's dress-code Only Shawl/Chador over their bosoms Head and Face covered too
Statues and Images No prohibition Haram to indulge in it
Witness Man = Woman 2 Women = 1 Man
Qurbani Hajj Pilgrim only Sahib-e-Nisab
Fasting Fast during Hajj Fasting haram on Eid
Divine Warning

Do not falsely declare with your tongues, “This is lawful, and that is unlawful,” ˹only˺ fabricating lies against Allah. Indeed, those who fabricate lies against Allah will never succeed. (16:116)

And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the disbelievers. (5:44)

Quran Daira
Salah Yes 5 times ba-Jamat
Saum Yes Even when traveling (Hijrat) they wouldn't skip it.
Zikrullah Yes Dawn and Dusk ba-Jamat
Bayan-e-Quran Yes Daily (Rain or shine)
Tark-e-Dunya Yes No properties no savings
Infaq Yes Beyond their bare min needs
Naubat Yes Night vigil in groups by turn
Sawaiyat Yes distribute things as per one's needs
Hijrat Yes Both voluntary migration and forced explusion
Tawakkul Yes There's no likeness in history of the people of Daira's utter reliance on Allah swt alone
Uzlat Yes Seclusion from seekers of the Dunya
Ijma Yes Group work and mutual consultation on any issues

Non Practices
Quran Daira
Eid al-Fitr No No
Eid al-Adha No No
Eid Qurbani No No
Juma without authority in the land No No
Milad celebration No No
Ziyarat No No
Meraj celebration No No
Shab-e-Barat No No
Commemorating 10th Muharram No No
Preaching/discourse on non-Quran Books No No
Veneration of Men/Naat/Seerat/Stories No No
Valima No No
Aqiqa No No
Saatt-hi, Ghadi, 4th, 10th, 20th, 40th or Urs death rituals No No

Aaliyat Rukhsat
Ramadan Fast Expiation Keep Fasting Feed the poor
Broken Oath Free the slave Feed the poor
Hajj ritual expiation Shave the head Charity or Fasting
Hajj Safa Marwa Tawaf can skip
Hajj Qurbani Sacrificial offering Fast 10 days
Infaq (Spending) Charity Privately Charity Publicly
Retaliation (Justice) Bear patiently exact a just retribution
Self defense Forgive Vindicate injustice
Retracting verbal divorcing (Zihar) Free a slave 60 consecutive fasts or feed 60 poor people
Unconsummated marriage Mehr (upon divorce) Full Half

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