Tafsir-ul-Quran: Lawaame-ul-Bayaan [Tafsir in Arabic]
Author: Ashraf-ul-Ulama Bahr-ul-uloom Allama Hazrat Syed Ashraf ShamsiRH
Urdu Translations rendered by hired professionals excluding the first two chapters, paid for by Allama Shamsi Research Academy [ASRA]
[For a brief biography of the exegetist - one of the greatest Scholar of Mahdavia Community, in English - in Urdu]
Juz/Chapter: 1
  • Surah: Al-Fateha (The Opening) [1:1-7]  
  • Translator: Hazrat Muhammad Abdul Hakeem Sahab TadbeerRH
Juz/Chapter: 2
  • Surah: Al-Baqara (The Cow) [2:1-286] 
  • Translator: Hazrat Abdul Hakeem Sahab TadbeerRH
Juz/Chapter: 27
Juz/Chapter: 28
Juz/Chapter: 29
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